Brian Wade

Brian Wade

Owner/Head Coach

Snatch 265

Overhead Squat 315

Deadlift 405

Bench Press 315

Sub 21 minute 5K


Bachelor's Degree in Health Science From Clemson University

Minor in Anatomy and Physiology

CrossFit Level 1 Coach

Olympic Weightlifting Coach

25+ years of Coaching and Training Experience!

About Coach

Growing up in a family of 5 and being the oldest led to a very active environment/upbringing which set a solid foundation for my love of all thing's fitness.  I grew up playing every sport there is while also just being a lover of anything outside and physical.  I played sports throughout high school and briefly in college for Clemson Universities Football Program!  Yes, I bleed Orange and White!!  Go TIGERS!   After a series of unfortunate injuries that led to spinal surgery which took me out of organized athletics, I found myself wondering what would be next.  Going back to my roots of just being involved in Fitness allowed me the opportunity to start a personal training business in Los Angeles in 2003!  As I was building this business, I was also pursuing an Acting Career which was my "side hustle".  One thing led to another and 6 years later my training business became my "Side Hustle" and my acting career had taken front seat!  However, with acting going great I continued to use Training and Fitness as my rock for everything in life.  I believed if I kept my Training and Fitness as a cornerstone in my life then I would always have the energy, fortitude, and health to continue pursuing my "Side Hustles".  This purpose has served me well in life which has led to other successful business ventures and a continued career in the arts.  However, sharing this passion is what led me to open "Side Hustle CrossFit"!  I want this space to be a place where people feel encouraged to not only pursue health and fitness but inspired by the community to pursue there "Side Hustles" as well!!

Turning Point

After coming off of a devastating back injury that took months and months to heal, I had feelings of fear and doubt about my future.  After going through rehab and surrounding myself with uplifting people I found myself fighting and clawing my way back into fitness.  It was in the middle of a close group of workout friends that I found myself again and was able to not only heal but get back much stronger than before.  That challenge also showed me how resilient the human body and mind are and what we are truly capable of.  Little by little, one win at a time is what I preach and fully believe.  It takes lots of little steps to make big leaps, trust the process!

Motivation & Passion

Helping people not only find the best versions of themselves through fitness and health but creating an environment that inspires people to pursue there "side hustles" in life!